Tuesday 28 February 2017

Importance of Clothes Recycling and its Advantages

There are many reasons why we have to go for recycling of the used clothes, belts, handbags and stuffed animals. Clothing is the worst material which will take 100’s of years to decompose. In great countries like America landfills are fully filled with the clothes and are causing lot of pollution each and every year. Apart from these there are many other reasons why we have to go for recycling of clothes.

The production of cotton is destroying the farmlands and polluting the waterways. 22.5% of all agricultural insecticides and 10% of all pesticides used each year go into cotton farming.  It may be hard to believe, but the production of just one cotton t-shirt requires one-third of a pound of pesticides
There are many other clothes like the Synthetic Polyesters and Nylon which are more dangerous when compared to other clothes as they are made using the petrochemicals. These are the bi-products of oil refining that eventually increases harmful pollution which affects us all.

Sell old Clothes Essex and conserve the energy that is needed in the manufacturing process. As less energy used means less needs to be generated. This results in smaller amount of carbon footprints and less greenhouse gases and emissions.

There are many recycling methods using which your clothes can be recycled and can be given to many poor people across the world at affordable rates. These recyclable clothes can be delivered at affordable rates. For example, we can deliver a clean pair of damage-free pants to an underprivileged person in Africa for as little as .34 cents a pair. A warm sweater can find its way to someone who’s cold in Pakistan for about .12 cents. And that includes the transportation costs of getting it there.

So, recycling of the clothes has two main advantages which include the decrease in the pollution created by the clothes as they take a very long time to decompose and get absorbed by the land.  The other advantage is that your spoiled clothes can be recycled and given to the poor people around the world. there are many schemes like cash 4 clothes and shoes surrey and cash 4 clothes and shoes London which are encouraging people towards the recycling of the clothes.

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